Friday, April 18, 2014

Why I train like I do...

I'm often asked about why I train the way I do and why I smash my bags when I train. As a young soldier I had this weathered old platoon sergeant that use to scream "the more you bleed in training the less you blows in war". Well, my life the last few years hasn't been that great (host of reasons not worth getting into here) and I see training as a way to suffer more than what life can throw at me. 

Problem is, when you slack off from training the life sucking pile gets too big to overcome. The last couple weeks has had me focusing on the problems and not a solution. So, I decided to throw on a BAA shirt and go out and run hills to inflict some pain on myself. Trust me, it makes total sense in MY head. That 5 plus miles was not fun at all...felt like a had the weight of the world on my shoulders (or around my waist) but it was just the kind of bag smashing, snap-out-of-it I needed. Today...turned out to be a pretty good one. Now to stretch a few of these together and get back on track...

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